Using A Auto Backlink Generator Is Always A Bad Idea

In Link Building by msj4842 Comments

Last Updated on April 17, 2020 by msj484

I can’t believe I’m taking the time even to address the idea that an auto backlink generator is useful for anything other than trying to spam and/or negative SEO a website. Such a site is on the receiving end of a recipe for a search engine penalty… but I’ve vowed to share what I know about digital marketing with any who are interested; so here goes nothing:


With that out of the way, as the title of this article indicates… it’s ALWAYS a bad idea to use an auto backlink generator. For those of you that have read, seen, or personally experienced ranking improvements after using one of these programs, I’m going to outline some of the most common reasons using this type of SEO software still is a horrible idea. Before I get started, please keep in mind that in just about every case the “horrible idea” is simply going to be the fact that it’s such a short sighted way of doing SEO. And frankly, the time invested in this type of SEO tactic would be much better used on strategies that are search engine friendly.

As I always say, this article is not intended to offend anyone, but a large part of the audience here at are newcomers to both search engine optimization and digital marketing in general.

So… why is using an auto backlink generator always a bad idea?

1) The Purpose Of Backlink Is To Make A Relevant & Quality Connection Between Two Useful Websites

Far too many people are focused on using backlinks to improve the rankings that the target website has, but they fail to realize that quality and relevance are two of the most important aspects of link building. At this point, software cannot focus on or target quality and relevancy since both of those things require common sense and the human touch. With that said… when time and effort are put into acquiring quality backlinks, not only can there be improvements to SEO campaigns, but it’s a great way of increasing referral traffic and on-going organic traffic improvements; year after year.


For any of you that feel link building is too hard, or it seems like a “shortcut” to use this type of link building software… look at point #3 below. It will help you get a sense of how much work will be involved in eventually removing these backlinks that will not help your long term SEO goals.

2) Search Engines Have Been Fighting Against This Type Of Marketing “Tactic” Since… Forever

There was a period of time when you could ignore relevancy and the quality of a backlink. How do I know? Because I’ve personally ranked multitudes of websites using link tactics that purely focus on the strength of the backlink rather than any other metric; mostly for testing purposes.

I mention that to say that even in the earliest days of SEO… search engines were fighting against spammers and black hat search engine optimizers that were “gaming” their organic search results by using spammy link building tactics; most of which originated with an auto link building generator program.


The point is this, if search engines continue to fight against such link building and SEO tactics (and they have been for over a decade), why invest time and money in this type of strategy? Because it’s possible to rank a website for a few non-competitive terms that make a few dollars… temporarily? Lol. If that’s how you want to do link building… then I’m left speechless. Moving onto the next point.

3) Once A Website Is Penalized As A Result Of Automatically Created Backlinks… It’s Difficult & Sometimes Impossible To Reverse The Damage

This simply means that all of the “hard” work, time, and money invested in using an auto backlink creator will not only be a waste of time, but when this type of link building strategy is put in place for a website and domain you care about… it can be twice as hard, if not impossible, to reverse.


Instead of going down this short-sighted road, why not create a backlink strategy that will enable you to succeed with SEO indefinitely?

Anyway, for those of you that are already using this type of software to help you build links, despite any successes you’re currently experiencing, do yourself a favor and stop while you’re ahead. For any of you that are trying to figure out how to use this type of software or you’re trying to consider whether or not it should be part of your SEO strategy… here is your clear recommendation and warning to run in the opposite direction… and fast!

If you’re looking for direction or help on what type of link building strategy you should put in place for your website, feel free to review other articles we’ve published on the subject here at or reach out to us directly. We would love to help you get a sense of the backlink best practices you should consider for your particular website and industry. See you around. Nomvo!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Why is using an auto backlink generator a bad idea?

Are backlink generators a good idea to automatically get backlinks?

Why are backlinks that are from generators a popular link building tactic?


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