Last Updated on April 17, 2020 by
Like most tools used in just about any aspect of life, there is a right way and a wrong way to use them. When we think of using a tool the wrong way, not only does the possibility exist where a lot of time, effort, and resources can be a complete waste… using a tool improperly can do harm/damage. When it comes to using digital marketing tools and tactics, using them the wrong way can not only be a huge failure, but it can also result in damage for both a website and a brand.
So… how can the use of SEO backlink packages be used the right way; safely?
1) Never Buy SEO Backlinks Just Because It Seems Like The Right Thing To Do:
Here at, and else where, it’s been repeated over and over again how important backlinks are to succeeding with SEO. However, some digital marketers make the assumption that all links are good links because of this fact. The problem with making that type of assumption is that it usually results in the TOS of most search engines being ignored, and often times link building best practices do not get the consideration they deserve.
That’s the reason that we see so many complaints from business owners expressing how certain packages from link building vendors resulted in no improvements in their organic traffic or search engine rankings. Even worse are the reports of search engine penalties being applied to a website once new links were pointed to their website; or even a drastic loss in rankings after a new search engine algorithm is put in place.
The point is this… never buy backlink packages just because it’s a widely accepted and proven fact that links are important. When making the decision to build links for your website, you have to know what types of backlinks to get, where to get them and/or how to get them. To be blunt… SEO backlink packages are rarely what a website needs… most of the time.
Why do we say that?
Because most link building packages that are being sold these days are not specific to each individual website, instead they are implemented with no regard for SEO best practices, the TOS of search engines, what a businesses competitor’s backlink profile likes like, and a long list of other things they should consider before focusing on this aspect of off-page SEO.
2) Never Assume Backlink Vendors Know Which Backlinks Your Website Actually Needs:
You would think that a link building expert selling backlink packages would know which backlinks their customer’s website needs, but unfortunately many of these vendors do not take the time needed to do the research and analysis of the most impactful backlinks for each of these customers. That is not to say that they’re trying to be misleading, or take advantage of their customers… but most of these vendors are not offering that type of service; although such is assumed by their potential clients.
There are occasions when these types of links might be useful, but when it comes to building links directly to a website that you care about… it’s rarely the case that the types of backlink bundles that are commonly advertised are the links that a website owner should be building to their business website.
3) Never Focus On Link Building Packages While Ignoring Content Creation:
Over the years there have been an endless number of debates and case studies about whether or not backlinks are more important than content for a website. We could join that discussion and share what our findings are, but instead the most important thing to remember is this… in most industries, websites that have great content AND backlinks are the ones that dominate the search engines.
It can be related to a person that wants to be in great physical shape. Some people choose to eat a balanced, and healthy diet that makes them feel and look physically fit. On the other hand, there are people who workout 5, 6, or even 7 days a week, but they eat whatever they want when they want; which results in them having strength and endurance that most people don’t naturally have. Finally, when we look at someone who is very particular about what they eat AND they workout on a regular and consistent basis… those are the individuals that have all of the above, and are even paid by sponsors, etc to continue to live that lifestyle.
Dominating from an SEO perspective in just about any industry is similar… content and backlinks go hand in hand. Sure you can succeed with one or the other, but doing both together brings in the best results. If a marketing expert decides to ignore content, and just focuses on getting backlinks by way of working with a vendor that offers packages… yes the marketer might see some positive results, but it would be much better to give content creation the attention that it deserves.
So… Should You Be Spending Your Digital Marketing Budget On SEO Backlink Packages?
That greatly depends on what your goals are as a business, as well as what other marketing tactics you already have in place to complement this type of investment. If you have a brand new website, that isn’t finished yet and offers no value to the audience you’re trying to reach… this type of marketing strategy can do more damage than good in the long run.
If you’re trying to outrank a competitor, but you have not looked into why your competitors are ranking higher than you in the SERPs (search engine result pages)… and your plan is to assume a link vendor will do that for you, disaster can possibly be ahead of you.
If you’re simply trying to increase the number of organic visitors that are reaching your website from the search engines, and you want to rank on page 1 of your search engine of choice for more keywords… but you have no idea why the top ranking sites in your industry are ranking so well; you might think twice about buying this type of SEO package.
With that said, there could be a number of reasons not to invest in these types of backlinks, but then again now could be the perfect time for you to do so; it really depends on whether or not your website and business is ready or not. We hope that some of these points will help you better understand how not to use this SEO tool, and put you in a position to continue to move forward with your SEO campaign. If you’d like us to take a look at your site and help you get a sense of what your next steps might be to improve with your SEO strategy… feel free to contact us. Nomvo!
I never found the website who is in the first position for a keyword that is quite competitive, as I peek backlink her with various tools, I’m so surprised, because on the website there is only one backlink, from facebook, I’m still looking like where it could happen, because it is so strange to me, whether it can indeed happen without backlink .. I really want to learn ..
Hey Arry,
If you can remember which keyword search you made, as well as the website you’re talking about… we’d love to take a look and provide you with an explanation as to why the website is ranking as it is. We look forward to your reply.
Since they didn’t reply, I would love to hear what you have to say about one that I know about. This site is an old design, not multi-platform ready and comes up #1 on a major keyword for the industry.